Monday, July 31, 2023

Monson 2023 Grand AK adventure ending ramblings

 The Monson's and the White's have now seen more of Alaska than most Alaskan's have! ;)  The common bumper sticker of "Adventure begins where plans end" has been something that stuck in my head to reflect some of what we enjoyed and could do without on this trip.  But....Not all adventure is enjoyable! :-)

in fact a lot of the adventure that we did plan was some of the best, and even those plans a lot of times had to be revised, so there's plenty of mix here.  I would also say that spending a large tour and guided events budget was key to enjoying great things at each destination.  those events were certainly well planned by companies and us.  And Im still working to forget the non=planned "Adventure" of replacing the trailer axle trice, 3 new tires/wheels, and our trouble selling the Armada....

Some Erik Alaska trip reflections and lessons, after sleep, and a few beers:

We can mark the 1300+ mile Alcan drive off of our bucket list.... and never need to drive it again!  There was about a 15hr driving stretch before Whitehorse w just 1 tire and 1 parts store, and 90% of the time no cell service for any help!  My axle hurts just thinking about it ;)

As cool as the story is, I think this is the last time we sell everything and fly home.  hard to get people to commit to buying early, and last minute sales are high risk and stress. You can't bring high dollar stuff or the cash sale would be a problem, so your stuff might breakdown.  it is pretty cool though 😎

I sure plan to return to Alaska, but I feel it's too impractical of a place to live for myself at even half of the year.  Alaska is really an Island state and just doesn't know it :-)  access and resources are way harder to get than the lower 48, shipping and prices are inflated on everything, and good towns are still very spread apart.  probably a great place to work, and I love visiting and fishing there!

A mix of DIY fun and paid guides and tours remains my favorite way to enjoy a vacation and a good use of our time and money.  I'm proud that we diy our high adventure canoe trip, Valdez glacier lake trip, and much of our fishing!

Lilly and I love RV travel doing some of our own cooking, and adventures. Needed adv gear storage, a portable boat, and groceries are all supported very well by a travel trailer + truck combo system.  Boondocking is ok if its 1 night or you have a great trailer shower.

Trailers! This will be my last hybrid travel trailer with a pop out just due to the extra setup and noise.  I also see no reason not to go 25 to 30 ft, for easier organization and amenities. I also confirmed RV Trailers are all fairly fragile long term and need to be covered in storage. they also get worse with every several thousand miles.

 Axles!  Single axles get towed, yet doubles can limp along by removing a wheel.  I only want double axle trailers from now on, and the trailer should be the width of the tires so the frame is lined up, and nothing can catch a wheel.  Carry an extra set of bearings, cap, and grease, maybe a Hub too.  Get them re-greased every 2 years. 

Accomplishing at least one thing on vacation that you weren't sure was possible is very rewarding when it all comes together.  It's why people climb mountains and run marathons on their vacations.  it can feel pretty devastating otherwise, but I still believe it's worth the effort , planning and risk to do high adventure.

Our favorite vac-a towns in Alaska in order: Homer, Valdez, Seward, Talkeetna, Kenai/Soldotna, Sterling, Wassilla, Anchorage 

A two week vacation after travel is probably perfect or you can stretch it to three.  at a certain point you should just take two vacations :-)

Met lots of tough motorcyclist! - When I start to think we've had some big challenges on this road trip, I just need to talk to some guys like Adrian here and his other two buddies.  they have a month long trip too and they've driven from Baja Mexico and then will go back down to Seattle before they fly home. 8k so far on bikes and camping!  you need some great people in Alaska, and that's its own adventure!

Good lead on a future return luxury AK fishing trip?
Sat I got the rundown from a great couple from Florida named Bill and Wendy on aq pretty expensive but luxury 7 day AK resort.  he told me that this is his fourth year using Tikchik Lodge for a week of wonderful fishing and staying at. the lodge is a all meals provided base camp and then you take float planes from there for day trips each day for any kind of river fishing from steelhead to Dolly garden to salmon runs. 
  he said the guys that he goes with have tried every other Fly-in place and they don't bother since this is their favorite.  he also said that the first half of August was his best fishing time so that's why he repeated it this year :-)  Also said to book 1 or 2 yrs ahead.

Final mileage on longest Monson road trip, probably ever, around 7000! MN is only about 3hrs out of the way Shane ;)  Our Map and major destinations:

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