Saturday, July 1, 2023

CA Travel day 2, to Edmonton Alberta

  Time change can be tough to remember at 4:45 a.m. .  Accidentally waking up the wife and son 1 hour extra early at 5:30, does not win you any wife or father points.  I have verified this today, when Luke said it's NOT 630 :-). 

Making coffee and good breakfast burritos are somewhat redeeming.

Luke out for his 5mile morning run:

The trailer bearing issue didn't hold us back today, as we have crossed into Alberta now!

Everything besides big stores seem to be closed for the Canada day holiday today and then probably closed for Sunday tomorrow :-(

 I rigged the cap fit with gorilla tape on the slightly small grease cap and it appears to be holding Grease so far and our trailer axle is cool and behaving. 

Fingers crossed as we go to Edmonton today....

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