Tuesday, July 4, 2023

3. Glacier View, AK

 I assumed that Glacier View, AK was going to be a near total bust.  It's just a string of RV parks, ice cream shops and (Matanuska) glacier hiking spots along the Glenn Highway. the only thing of note "to do" is visit a big ice cube.  

and the lodging option we'd selected was a "glamping" tent - the same sort of tent that we use when we go elk hunting, except with more features like a full size bed for 2. 

Well, thats all true.  

We checked in mid afternoon and got setup in our swanky tent. 

then we headed to Sheep Lodge for dinner based on recommendations from the camping spot staff. 

Sheep Lodge turned out to be awesome food, and while there we made fast friends with a pair of newlyweds, Jacob and Carmen from Missouri.  Shane had halibut cakes and Deanna had a burger. 

We ended the night in the "commons area" at the tent campgrounds, and at about 10:30pm, a momma moose plus two calves walked right thru the middle of camp, passing within 30 yards of us and less than that to our tent sleeping quarters. 

The next day we did a 2.5 hr glacier hiking trip with the folks that control access to the Matanuska Glacier. It turned out to be deannas favorite thing of the trip so far. We got to see a ton of features of the ever-evolving glacier, and of course, Dee took a ton of pictures. 

That evening we went to dinner at the other RV park with a dining hall.  It wasnt near as good as the Sheep Lodge. 

The next morning while eating breakfast, another momma moose walked within 30 yards of the commons area, again. 

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