Sunday, July 23, 2023

9 Anchorage

The morning after we left Seward, we drove into Anchorage to wrap up the trip.  We picked up a rental car at the Anchorage airport, checked into an AirBnB, then turned in the Tioga motorhome.  

Once we'd completed all that, we had several hours to kill, so we cruised over to a movie theater and watched the very sobering Sound of Freedom movie which was all the rage.  We're not big moviegoers, but I'm glad we saw this one.  It was a blatant reminder of mans sinful nature.  The movie, if you're not familiar, is the true story of one man and his passion to combat the crime of human sex trafficking.  This was a hard watch, but I'm glad we got to see it with the kids so we could talk about it afterwards.  Shame on the USA for being among the biggest demand for this horrible crime. Just go see the movie, and process it for yourself.  Nuff said. 

That evening, we returned to the Mooses Tooth for malted beverage and the best pizza I know of. We again had a Chicken Rockefeller and we also had an All American Pizza.  While I highly recommend both, the chicken rockefeller was the clear standout.  

The next morning, we hit the airport, and American Airlines got us home on time uneventfully. 

On arrival at home, I re-organized the deep freeze to make room for about 120# of halibut, salmon and ling cod.  Fitting it all in an organized manner wasn't easy, but did get done.  First world problems, for sure.  If you need fish...... I have some. :)

Here's the kicker...... I dont know how many more vacations our family of 4 will take together, but I suspect the answer may be zero. I think the best hope is a skiing vacation between college semesters. Next summer, Travis will be working an engineering internship, and Amanda needs to knock out 7-10 hours of college credit to stay on pace to graduate from engineering school in 3 years, which is her objective. 

Objectives - yes, there's the word. We all have objectives, and they are just about to diverge.  Next year, Amandas objective will be further education, Travis objective will be preparing for post-college years (work), and what will mine/Deannas be?  Our objective is nearing completion - raising our own "cubs" and making them ready for the trials of life.  I'm happy to say that we're all on target to hit those objectives. 

1 comment:

  1. Somr great follow-up posts and an excellent conclusion. y'all are great parents and hella fun travel companions!
