Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21st, Valdez boat trips and our easiest salmon fishing!

 Valdez is a little town with a big excitement, rich history, and gorgeous views all around.

We have seen big waterfalls, huge mountains, the Columbia glacier on a tour, and floated among ice formations.  I should definitely mention that the pink salmon are in too! ;)

  Really cant say that we've had even a wasted hour here as we seem to have something to do and everything has worked out better than expected.. which is hard to do when you have such high expectations :-)

   Today as we end our visit, we spent our morning at museums and the afternoon at the Valdez glacier lake doing our own paddle, and Luke finally get use out of the inflatable kayak we have hauled around since Texas   the glacier and ice formations were anong a maze of waterways.  the water was super cold, but the views were spectacular.

  Both nights we did a bunch of salmon fishing, where even Lilly got in on it.  All of us catching our limit, and 38 fish total.   The pinks are IN, and snagging them in there rising schools is the easiest fishing that you can do without being a bear or sea lion! 😂😎

Luke has really become quite an independent fisherman and traveler on this trip and its been great to see him grow in so many ways.  He was just 10 our  last time in AK, so this time he can do it all!

Sadly I would say this is the end of our fishing for this AK trip since we are leaving the coast line tomorrow, but that's probably a good thing since Luke and I have managed to break four rods! 🥺😫 

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