Thursday, July 6, 2023

5 Anchorage - Cabelas parking lot

Four groups of people from across these United States are all converging on the Cabelas Parking Lot in Anchorage tonight. 

- Shane and Deanna, travelling in via rental car from Talkeetna

-Erik and Lilly, bringing their RV from Tok, AK

- Matt from Euless, Texas including a layover in Salt Lake City

- Travis and Amanda from Denton

and if it all works out..... we'll be camping on an asphalt parking lot in the largest city in the state. 

Cabelas lets folks camp in teh back of their parking lot for free, so.... why not.  Matt is the last to arrive, about 1am (will feel like 4am to him). 

once we roust tomorrow morning, we'll be bound for Homer!

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