Thursday, June 13, 2024


that's right. "freedom!" from the TX heat. we're expecting daily high/lows of 60/44F while there. "my people" or at least one line of my people..... were originally Scottish. I actually have proof that they once fought along side William Wallace, who probably looked nothing like this guy....
Deanna and I leave tomorrow for a trip to the motherland. our trip agenda has us hitting: 1. Edinburg 2. Pitlochery 3. Inverness 4. Portree 5. Staffin 6. Port William 7. Oban 8. Tobermory 9. Glasgow 10. Ayr, which is where "my people" once called home - stay tuned here I'm hoping to get actual relevant photos taken in front of the "family castle", although it was far less castley when "we" left it in 1625 and headed to Ireland, before heading to the USA in 1860. 11. Edinburg 12. back to TX the wife really planned out the trip, so if it's no fun, I'm blaming her, but the agenda looks very packed and very fun. I intend to enjoy this time together, and return home with a 3rd kilt for the closet. I'm not sure how well we'll maintain the blog once there, and it'll drive the kids crazy to see how much fun we're having without them, but they have responsibilities (Physics II, full time internships, etc) to take care of. :) See yall soon. Wheels up tomorrow.

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