Saturday, July 1, 2023

CA Travel day 1, to Regina Saskatchewan

   Isn't car travel great fun? :-)  The Monson's have about 54 hours of it to do across Canada this week.  We crossed the Canadian border easy today from North Dakota with no firearms, no fireworks, and Lilly's good looks :-) 

Now we've made it into the great white north in Regina,  but appear to have a trailer bearing cap issue to take care of the next morning :-( 

I've heard there is a pot of gold behind every tree in Saskatchewan but you will still be a poor man trying to find a tree :-)  It's pretty flat boring farmland through here.  Nice people, but this looks to be Canada flyover country.

I have just posted both our Armada SUV and the R-pod trailer for sale on Anchorage Facebook. Then immediately had to raise the trailer price by 50% because I'm getting barraged with messages of "I'll buy it today, cash in hand!". 

This Will be a good problem to have later, when they both hopefully sell in Anchorage before our flight on 7/30 :-)

Happy Canada Day tomorrow..... Eh :-)

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