Tuesday, July 25, 2017

day 52 - Seward

Monday July 24st – day 52 – Seward

Tough day today. Pop and Brek loaded and left a bit after noon.  We were all sad to see them leave.

Before they rolled out, we did a hike up Lost Lake Trail just north of Seward. The trail was surprisingly mosquito free (or at least, they left us alone) which was quite welcome.  We hiked in about three miles or so, then turned around.  Saw some cool sights, but no critters.

We had lunch at a restaurant that had 3 different store fronts. One was a “Crab Shak”, another a pizza parlor, and the third sold “Mexican” food.  None of us were brave enough to test Mexican food in Alaska, so Travis and I had pizza while everyone else had seafood.  My pizza had the following toppings:  smoked salmon, reindeer (caribou) sausage, onion, mushroom and black olives.  Brek ordered calamari as an appetizer and all of it was fantastic.

Spent some time packing up and preparing for the campers final moves. Sad days around here as we anticipate our own migration south to Texas.

Travis and I spent an hour or so slinging Pixies (not a rock band, it’s a spoon like lure) at the pink salmon but did no damage except to the seaweed population.  We didn’t catch anything, but it was good at helping me with my “last days funk”.  Reminds me of the advice from my friend Jud, who counseled me through a tough time in my life about two years ago. He said, “when I get in a spot like you’re in, I go kill something, and that helps”.  I didn’t kill any salmon, but it was helpful to try. J

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