Wednesday, July 12, 2017

day 38 - drive to Homer

Monday July 10th – day 38 – road to Homer and trailer sales effort in Anchorage

The only big event of the day was a stop at the Cabelas in Anchorage to “sell” our stuff. 
We agreed to terms with a local guy to buy our camper for $6k.  It was on Craigslist for $5500.  Either I’m a stellar negotiator or Alaska is a sellers market.  Methinks the latter.

Erik topped us though.  He managed to agree to terms with one guy to buy:  his camper, his van, and the Porta-boat as a package.  What a relief! 

Upon arrival in Homer, we called tomorrows fishing guide, and found that the weather for tomorrow is flat out perfect.  Hardly any wind (less waves = less hurling), and nil chance of rain.  The moon is full and that means bigger tidal shifts, which is better for halibut fishing.  The guide further said that they have been catching substantial quantities of king (chinook), silver (coho) and pink (humpy) salmon.

Then both families drove into town and parked on the “spit” which is a long skinny rock road protruding into Katchemak Bay. Upon arrival, we went to find the charter office, where we meet them tomorrow, and lo and behold, the boat had just come in with a substantial haul of those fish (minus coho) but some yelloweye rockfish, and a big lingcod. Definitely raised the bar for tomorrows expectations…….  It’ll be hard to sleep tonight, thinking about all those fish, all those fights, and all the dinners it will provide. J  they we walked the beach, and Amanda found yet more rocks to add to her burgeoning collection.  If rocks were shoes, Amanda would be Amelda Marcos….

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