Sunday, July 9, 2017

day 36- bus into Denali

Saturday July 8 – Day 36 – Denali National Forest and drive to Talkeetna

Our 8 hour bus tour of Denali National Forest started at 7:10am, and it was a 2.5 hour drive (and the boys refuse to be anywhere near late to a scheduled event), so we planned to roll out at 4am. Until Erik woke us up at (seriously) 3:18am. Ugh. We made it out of camp at 3:30am sharp and arrived none too soon at 6:30am, which allowed for breakfast before the tour started.

Between Fairbanks and Denali is virtually nothing.  No towns of appreciable size, nothing.  Just the occasional moose (We saw 4 en route, including a momma and her twins).

Should you be travelling this area (the northern portion of the Parks Highway) and find yourself in need of refreshment or lodging while halfway between Fairbanks and Denali park, you can stop and stay at Skinny Dicks Halfway Inn. They provide malted beverages and sketchy lodging to the weary traveler. should you find yourself in need……We didn’t stop, but did giggle. 

Our tour guide, Peter, had been driving a bus in Denali for 20 years now. That’s a lot of experience and familiarity. He provided tons of background info on the area’s history, its development (or lack thereof) and local flora/fauna. Excellent tour, and well worth the money.  Along the way, we saw 4 of the “big 5”-2 moose, one wolf, about a dozen caribou, 6 grizzly (grizzer bear, pilgrim), ptarmigan, and lots of small game.  The one we missed were the Dall sheep.

Unfortunately, Mt. Denali was covered up with clouds (as it is ~60% of the time, so no big surprise). 

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