Friday, July 7, 2017

day 33 - Fairbanks + High Adventure Camp

Wednesday July 5– Day 33 of trip –  Fairbanks – written by Lilly

The boys have taken the children and gone to the woods, to be with the bear, the wolf and 21 hours of daylight.

The ladies’ day off during this time has been momentarily interrupted by the other men on this trip, namely Bruce and Big Red (the vehicles people). Both vehicles have developed some “features” that need to be looked at to complete this odyssey. It is to be expected that vehicles of this age (1999 Van and 2004 Truck) would develop some ticks after putting on 4000 miles over not so smooth roads, pulling trailers. We are blessed and thankful for the safety this far…we continue to pray for the Lord to send mechanic angels to look after us the rest of the way. We will be getting the “boys” worked on over the next day.

Deanna and I were able to see the Fairbanks Farmer’s Market while Erik and Shane were outfitting everything and corralling the 5 children. Really, they put Victoria in charge and obeyed.J The Farmer’s Market was delightful! Love finding real Alaska made goodies…not things with Alaska printed on a label right next to “made in China”. Friends and family expect some real Alaskan treats.
We helped apply extra sun screen and drop off supplies, children, dads, and boats along the road way for the Chena River float. After dropping off the family, Deanna and I decided to go the rest of the way up to Chena Hot Springs Resort. Not having brought our suits, we were able to “rent” free suits….ones left behind (but cleaned!). A few minutes of digging found appropriate coverage. We enjoyed a toasty dip and lots of quiet time. The masseuse (not Sven, sadly) was booked up for the afternoon. However, baby ducks were abundant and we enjoyed the relaxation. Back in Fairbanks we found a great local restaurant to end the day with Halibut Chowder.

Baby Ducks Lilly and Deanna saw at Chena Hot Springs

The Hot Springs pool at Chena Hot Springs

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