Sunday, July 2, 2017

day 30 - Haines

Sunday July 2– Day 30 of trip –Haines

Cooked bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast. Eggsalent. J

Travis and I headed to the harbor today and fished right off the pier on the advice of a local camper named Joe from Missouri.  Cause….. the best Alaska fishing advice comes from Missourians, right?  J

It worked!  Travis was on fish immediately, catching our first of our limit of Dolly Varden (8 total).  Joe says they are delicious. Of course, I didn’t have a camera with me, so no pictures, but they were a ton of fun to catch, and we didn’t have to stand in the water for hours on end like all the salmon fishing we’ve been doing.  This was welcomed by both of us!  AK water is as cold as you'd suspect it might be.
Travis fishing on the docks in Haines

Once all fish were filleted and lunch eaten, we headed up AK highway 7 for some sightseeing. We made it to Mosquito Lake, which I’d actually heard of back in TX.  The “lake” is only about 3 acres, but it's beautiful. Unfortunately, it was appropriately named, and I got eaten up trying to catch a cutthroat trout. 

After that, we headed south to Chilkat State Park, just southeast of Haines.  It has a fantastic bay view, which also includes two glaciers and associated waterfalls.  Deanna got great pictures of these, to no one's surprise….
Glacier in Chilkat State Park
Glacier at Chilkat State Park

Grilled pork chops for dinner. Tomorrow we make a long drive, including two border crossings on the way up to the “big” piece of Alaska. No doubt, Travis will confess to additional crimes at Canadian Customs….

Erik and family stayed another two nights in Juneau and will be arriving by ferry in the morning. They went fishing today in the bay where I caught that pink salmon two nights ago, using the portaboat and canoe for better access.  Erik reported (via text) that Matt caught a big salmon, and they also caught a couple more flounder.

All these saltwater fish are completely spoiling me on the catfish we catch and eat back home.  We’re eating fish for dinner every other night and have way more in inventory than we need, despite having shipped 52# home already!  

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