Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 50- Seward

Amanda cooked pancakes for breakfast for everybody.  Lynn got custom pancakes that had the letters “Pa Pa” spelled out.  Deanna got “MOM” cakes. Brek (with whom Amanda has had an ongoing friendly feud) was served pancakes with the word “Poop” spelled out. Welcome to Alaska….

PaPa's pancake

Mom's pancake

Brek's Poop pancake :-)

We went out to the Kenai Fyords National Park (just north/west of town) and hiked up to Exit Glacier.  It was the closest we’ve been yet to an actual glacier.  We made it to probably ~50 yards from it.   Pretty cool.
Exit Glacier

Pop and Brek had their flightseeing tour from 1-2:30 pm, so the rest of us went back to camp to relax a bit. Salmon weren’t jumping, so we just lazied around camp.

See the bear?

PaPa treated us to a great dinner, and then we enjoyed time around the campfire.

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