Sunday, June 16, 2024

walking walking and more walking

I discovered what Jetlag is, I think. Jetlag is flying to a faraway land, waking up at 12:45am - thinking you're ready for the day; then going back to sleep, waking up at 8am and feeling tired. after that..... Deanna took me on a tour of a castle, and an observation of not-castles. we went and toured Edinburgh Castle.
it was a cool facility with lots of neat stuff to see, largely including a history of Scotlands participation in all the wars they could possibly participate in. Wars with France, Spain, Ireland, World Wars, and wars with England since forever. really neat tour, and worth the 3 hours we burned there. following the castle tour, we did a walking visit of a bunch of not-castles.
this not-castle is a TK Max. not a TJ Max- thats different.
this not castle is an apartment complex, I think, though I could be wrong.
this not castle is a monument to Sir Walter Scott, either that, or a fancy Jack-in-the-Box.
this not castle may be the PArthenon, or Parlament, or something, but in Scotland, it might be a simple library.
I dont have any recollection of what this thing is, but I know my feet were hurting by the time I was looking at it. we also visited about 100 different places where you can buy trinkets, nick-nacks, or a kilt, depending on what your interest holds. no major purchases to report yet. we did visit a fine whiskey shoppe, and I bought a 700 ml of Tomatin single malt scotch, which is simply delicious. it and a cute blonde will be keeping me company for the next couple weeks. Its really weird to routinely look at a building and hear "this was built in 1500" - you know..... about 500 years ago- so this building is about twice as old as America. we are not the same.

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