Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tobermory to Glasgow

Long day of busy stuff. We woke up this morning on the Isle of Mull, still at Tobermory. Drove about 40 mins down to Craignure and took the CALMAC ferry to Oban.
Once in Oban, we drove past Scotland's 2nd most famous Loch - due to a song - Loch Lomond. It is as pretty and as clear as the song, though we didn't spend time enjoying it - just driving along the western bank of it, and being terrified we'd be plowed by oncoming traffic. That road, like many in Scotland is no wider than the specifications mandated. I can't imagine driving the Dodge, pulling a camper (caravan.....) down those stretches of "highway".
We stopped in Renfrew to look at a kilt, but it was overrun with cat hair, and the jacket that came with it was a bit too small, and it was generally overpriced in the first place.
Once we got to Glasgow, we parked in "downtown" which is a bit more sketchy than either of us prefer. I don't like big cities, and this one definitely kept me nervous at all times while walking surface streets. We (Deanna) found a pretty awesome antique shop that specializes in clothes. The owner was there and took a keen interest in getting me properly kilted. She was very informative and showed me their vast collection of pretty nice kilts. Unfortunately, the perfect combo of color pattern (tartan) and fat boy size (38/40) rarely aligned with what I was looking for. I did find two that were "close enough", but I still didn't make a purchase. I have two more locations to potentially check out tomorrow, one in Largs, not too far out of the way en route to Dalry. A guy there has one that looks close enough, looks to be sized right, and is priced very well. Sights from Glasgow-
Dinner was at a local pub down the street from our AirBnb for the night - Molly Malones - named after an Irish drinking song. sausages and tatties with brown gravy and a Tennants.
Tomorrow is a pretty big day for us. Our real destination in Dalry is Blair Castle, which was "the old home place" - 400 years ago in 1625 when my lineage left Scotland for Ireland. I hope to discover much tomorrow. If we can find a cemetery near Blair Castle, I might get to say howdy to folks in my line about 16 or 20 generations back. Stay tuned.

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