Wednesday, June 28, 2017

day 24 - river salmon - Erik was "the man"

Monday June 26– Day 24 of trip – king salmon fishing in Petersburg – by Erik

2nd try at the river run Salmon, the birth of a new obsession

This is one of those fishing days that is just too magical to really explain, but you must try anyway.  I mean we’re catching wild river Salmon in front of Alaskan mountain glaciers, while eagles and bears are chattering and fighting over the same fish!  Anyway, I started out the morning still a little bitter that I have had paid guides for salmon now in BC and AK and still hadn't caught even one myself. That changed very quickly this morning.  Shane and I returned much better prepared this day which really isn't hard since the first salmon trip was thrown together in 15 minutes, with hardware store advice, and we changed in the parking lot.  We had waders now, more lures, and heavier line all spooled, but still few clues as to how you fish salmon.  Shane says I look like a Patagonia advertisement.

Dads and sons wade out into the river trying not to find the top of our waders and fill up like a bobber.  We start into the casts, and I have a fish on quickly. As I'm fighting it Shane ask how many casts was that (thinking that he had about 1000 yesterday).  I say, "about 4". I pull it in, and it's my first salmon!  It’s a smaller "Jack" but a great start!  :)  Shane says I'll have to find something new to gripe about because it can’t be “no salmon” anymore ;)  Anyway...Since no one else was catching fish I go ahead and catch my second "Jack" Salmon pretty quickly after the first.  Shane starts to ask me just how I'm retrieving, my lure, and how I hold my tongue while retrieving.  I'd love to help, but it just seems to be something immeasurable like God wants me to finally catch salmon.  It really isn’t too much longer, and I hook onto a BIG salmon.  These fish peel line, and you just have to wear them full out, hoping the line holds.  It takes about 15 minutes of reel and fight to do this, and I'm crazy ecstatic to finally put my trout net on him. Half of him doesn't even fit!  My son Matt has a similar long fight with an even bigger fish, and he is getting advice from everywhere.  Finally the big fish peels off line to the end of the spool just as Shane is 10ft from it with the net.  That fish lives to tell the tail, and Matt needs a lot more new line...  Next Shane picks up another big salmon, probably by finally following my advice (Hey, this is MY story!).  He very wisely has Travis help him to net it, and we have 4 on the stringers.  A little time goes by, and I start laying into my 4th hook set of the day on another monster.. I fight this fish for probably even longer, say 20 minutes, or it felt that long.  It’s worn out all the way to shallow water.  I decide that I can net this one all myself, and the fish must have sensed that misplaced confidence.  When I go to raise my rod up and start forward with the net, I see my lure come right loose!  I dive at the fish as quick as I can with the tiny net and come up with nothing but water in my waders.  I said something you can't in church. ;(

Later in the morning I finally break the boredom with a 5th salmon hook set, and it’s ON!  That fish ran with my line and lure towards the rapids like it was a scalded dog.  It stripped line as if no drag was set whatsoever on my spinning reel.  Not like any of the others.  When I mistakenly tried to slow the unspooling run by adding thumb pressure, it quickly popped my 30# braid line like it was a child's bubblegum and went on its merry way.   One more salmon lesson, among many to come.  A local fisherman named John said that was a BIG fish just seeing its huge tail as it flapped past.  30# easy...  I tell John that these salmon of theirs go from Wow!, to Dang Impressive!, to Oh Holy Heck!! very quickly.  He replies back, "Just wait until you get one that really wants to fight!" :)

I believe this morning was my best fishing day ever.  I love this chase!  We gorged on huge grilled salmon steak sandwiches for a fisherman's lunch with just 1/2 a fish.  These beasts make trout look undernourished and compared to Texas catfish those surrender on the first bullet.  We actually didn't even get a photo of the 4 fish caught today before the knife, but believe me they were huge like Shane's here from the first evening!  Probably mine was bigger.... really...:)

Eriks favorite picture, for some reason.....  :)

salmon for dinner, lunch, breakfast, road shacks and sending some home!

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