Wednesday, June 28, 2017

day 23 - guided halibut + salmon trip in Petersburg

Sunday June 25 – Day 23 of trip – king salmon fish Petersburg with Craig Curtiss – written by Erik


We went fishing with Craig Curtis today on a guided Halibut and Salmon trip.  Shane stayed back so Amanda could fish, and just conveniently that let him hit the Salmon hole we had found the day before... ;)  So it’s just me, Curtis, and 3 kids, and some of them don't do mornings. I'm not sure just what to say about the experience since we did catch a lot of halibut, but it missed expectations on our part due to several circumstances.  It’s not easy being a guide but, it’s hard to not want it all when you’re a customer too.

These were the many things I learned:

Halibut are big fighters but they roam at 200+ ft down giving you Popeye arm even if you’re just re-baiting after a hook thieving

  • A 12 year old with a sizable Halibut hooked looks like the wind was just knocked out of them on retrieve
  • Halibut eat like hungry 13 year old boys with a bag of beef jerky
  • Trolling for Salmon after lunch can put everyone in the boat to sleep except the guide
  • We didn't miss anything while trolling, we could have played cards that day and caught the same number of salmon
  • Shane caught the same number of river Salmon we did but didn't get to sleep or play cards
  • Craig Curtis does own several knives, but he does not filet your fish.  Shane and I do the carving, but badly and with a poor attitude...
nice hali and Matt!

successful halibut trip!

how the heck do you fillet this thing?

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