Monday, June 26, 2017

day 20 - drive to Prince Rupert

Thursday June 22  - Day 20 of trip – drive to Prince Rupert, BC
Happy Birthday to Mimi from Prince Rupert, BC! J

“only” saw one bear on the way to Prince Rupert.  We are definitely bear-spoiled…..

Once in camp and setup, the ladies tackled a mountain of laundry, while the boys went in search of fish.  Men definitely got the better end of that deal. Several small rock cod caught, but nothing of size. We plan to try “deep water” in the channel tomorrow in canoes, and will likely be cussed by larger ships on their way in and out of port.
Travis and Shane found a nice forest hike in search of fishing grounds. Ladies intend to repeat tomorrow morning.

Prince Rupert is a fishing town, and likely typical of those we’ll be seeing over the next month or so.  Blue collar, but TONS of fish being caught.  We saw lots of halibut and crab in camp. 

Spent a good bit of time strategizing on what we’ll do on the ferry for lodging, meals and entertainment. We launch at 6:15pm, but have to be in line by 3:15pm, and the boat doesn’t land until 12:45pm the next day ON ALASKA DIRT!  Unfortunately, all of that means we’ll be virtually out of commission for about 24 bored hours, including a full sleep cycle. Argh….  Wishing I’d have booked one of those cabins they have available now….

In other news….. I did run across a sprint triathlon opportunity in Seward today. It’s a 5 mile kayak, 5 mile hike, 15 mile bike event on July 22nd. While I do have access to a bike that Travis has outgrown….. and a canoe….. This may be a bad idea. Still, I plan to check into it.  If I could run the river section in the canoe with a kid, and beg/borrow a bike to use, running an Alaskan triathlon would be pretty cool.   

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