Sunday, June 18, 2017

day 14- Banff

Friday June 16  - Day 14 of trip –Banff, Canada
Nothing particularly special today.  We started the day with a tour of the cave and basin, which is right next to Banff itself.  The cave isn’t really deep, but really pretty, and it’s been etched out and built up with H2S (hydrogen sulfide) taken from Sulfur Mountain.  Water comes out of the ground at pretty high temperature (similar to Hot Springs, Ar or Pagosa Springs, Co) and it’s been sold as countless miracle cures by 19th century marketing majors. J
Then we took a brief walking tour of a trail adjacent to the cave. Lots of deer and elk sign, but no sightings.

Lunch was leftovers back in camp. 

After lunch we headed to Lake Minnewonka, which sounds like a boy scout camp, but was actually a really long and beautiful lake.  Rock shorelines and trails all around it.  We “hiked” up to Stewart Creek/Canyon, which offered yet more views of the Banff area along the western shore of Lake Minnewonka. The Canadians have about 1000 signs warning “bears in the area”, which add considerably to a city girls paranoia.  A really cool foot bridge goes over Stewart Creek. 

I’m going to start adding the “quote of the day”, because it seems like I hear something funny every day, usually out of the kids. Todays quote, heard by me as soon as I got back from the shower, was Travis sticking his head in the camper and quickly stating, “taking your crocs (shoes); gotta deuce!”  which left me wondering…… “what’d my Crocs ever do to you?”

Amanda saw a small fox in camp this evening.  Travis has been itching to “summit” a nearby mountain, so I think he and I are going to give it a go tomorrow morning. Note to self: check crocs closely before next use.

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