Sunday, June 18, 2023

We're getting the band back together, Elwood - 2023

Durn skippy we are.  

6 summers after our "famous" 2017 trip, we're hitting the road (and air) to fish, hike, see, eat, etc again.  

This trip hasn't seen NEAR the planning the prior one did, because we know more about what's required.  

Erik and Luke launched on 6/17 headed north.  They are "swinging by" Minnesota for a bit of kayaking at the Boundary Waters with their local Boy Scout group.  Once that trip completes, they'll pick up Lilly at Minneapolis Airport and start a road adventure headed across northern US/southern CA "eh". :) 

Side note - no part of Minnesota is "on the way" to Alaska from Texas.  

As a bonus, they'll get to see the glories of North Dakota.  hold it.....what?

They'll also get to see Saskatchewan.  Pretty cool. 

Deanna and I (Shane) leave TX on 6/24 via miracle of air travel.  

The next updates should include pictures of Texans wearing jackets in June. Maybe shades, too. :)

buckle your transmissions folks, it's about to be gametime. 

- shane

1 comment:

  1. Heck yea were getting the band back Elwood! ;) Looking forward to the AK return. We launch from MN tomorrow morning for a border crossing in North Dakota. Looking fwd to the other side of that CA shakedown....
